'Apple Puree | Baby Food | Infant Food | 6 Months Old | 7 Months Old | Apple A Day Keeps Doctor Away'

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01:32 May 14, 2021
'“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Most of us have heard this proverb during our childhood and as we’ve grown older. Whoever said it has said it rightly.   Apples as baby food  Apples are no doubt good for us. But, what about babies? Can apples be introduced in babies’ diet? Yes, they can be introduced into baby food. Fruits such as apples can be introduced as baby food once, the baby is six months old.  Health Benefits of Apples  1. Cure stomach disorders Mothers would have definitely noticed that their babies suffer from stomach disorders very often. In such cases, an apple can come in handy. Peeled, mashed and boiled apple can be given to the baby. Apple can control stomach disorders. Try adding a teaspoonful of honey to the mashed up apple before serving it.  2. Constipation and Diarrhea Constipation and diarrhea are other very disturbing diseases that babies contract. Apart from containing many nutrients, apples are also rich in dietary fiber which is also essential for smooth bowel movement. Feed them with mashed up and boiled apple. In some cases, constipation can result in diarrhea and vice versa.   3. Dysentery Dysentery is another disease which is found more often in infants and children than in adults. Dysentery results from an infection to the large intestine which leads to pain in the abdomen followed by passage of liquid stools. In such cases, ripe and sweet apple can be given as a treatment even in acute and chronic dysentery. Steam, boil and mash ripe apples and give them to your baby several times a day.   4. Cough Infants or babies with cough might not be able to get good night’s sleep. Sweet apples are effective in reducing cough. Prepare juice of boiled or steamed apple and give it your child for about a week. Before giving this juice, make sure that your baby is at least 6 months old.  5. Dental disorders As such this benefit may not be useful for infants who are below the age of 1 year, but, it is useful for children above the age of 1.5 years as tooth development begins during 1 and 1.5 years. Make sure to give your children, slices of apple after their meals every night. Chewing apple not only promotes blood circulation in the gums, but the fiber also acts like tooth brush in cleaning the teeth and the gums. Mild acids present in apple also have an antimicrobial effect on the dental bacteria. Hence, introducing apples to toddlers is good for their dental care and development.   #babyfood,#hungrybaby,#hungrytoddler,#hungryinfant,#babyeating,#babynutrition,#firsttimemothers,#infants,#infantfoodtime,#whattofeedmybaby,#infantfoodie,#feedingright,#infantfood,#solidfoodforinfants,#infantfoodideas,#firstfoods,#infantfoodbloggers,#babyhealthandwellbeing,#infantmeals,#infantfoods,#foodintroduction,#toddler,#toddlerfoodtime,#toddlerfoodie,#toddlerfood,#babydietplan,#boostingimmunity,#toddlerfoodblogger,#applepuree,#appleforbaby' 

Tags: #toddler , #Babyfood , #firstfoods , #infants , #babynutrition , #toddlerfood , #hungrybaby , #hungrytoddler , #hungryinfant , #babyeating , #firsttimemothers , #infantfoodtime , #whattofeedmybaby , #infantfoodie , #feedingright , #infantfood , #solidfoodforinfants , #infantfoodideas , #infantfoodbloggers , #babyhealthandwellbeing , #infantmeals , #infantfoods , #foodintroduction , #toddlerfoodtime , #toddlerfoodie , #babydietplan , #boostingimmunity , #toddlerfoodblogger , #applepuree , #appleforbaby

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